2011年、早稲田大学 文化構想学部 文芸ジャーナリズム論系卒業。
2018年、カリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校にてJournalism Certificate修得。
アメリカ初のSAKE専門店True Sakeに勤務。
現在はSAKETIMES InternationalやSakeTips!など、海外向け日本酒メディアのディレクターを務めるほか、日本酒/SAKEを中心とした記事の執筆・翻訳に携わる。
2023年4月、新潟大学 博士前期課程 日本酒学コースに入学。
– 「日本酒と出会う機会をつくる伝え手を増やしたい」SAKEジャーナリスト・木村咲貴さんインタビュー
– 「なぜ、SAKE Journalistなのか【プロフィール記事】」
– UCLA Certificate in Journalism with Concentration in Media Studies
– WSET Level 3 Award in Sake
– 貿易実務検定 C級
*SSI認定 唎酒師は2021年に自主退会しました
Saki Kimura was born in Kamakura, Kanagawa Pref. on September 13, 1988.
She moved to Kobe, Hyogo Pref. as a child and spent 15 years there until graduating from high school.
After graduated from Waseda University in 2011 with a degree in literary journalism, she started working for some companies then turned into a freelance editor and writer.
Before studying in the United States, she was involved in many projects for books, magazines, and web media in Japan.
In 2018, she received a Journalism Certificate from the University of California, Los Angeles.
She worked at True Sake, the first sake specialty store in the US.
She is currently the director of SAKETIMES International, SakeTips! and other international sake media, and writes and translates articles about sake.
She specializes in overseas distribution and international sake breweries.
In April 2023, she entered the Master’s Program in Sakeology at Niigata University.
– UCLA Certificate in Journalism with Concentration in Media Studies
– WSET Level 3 Award in Sake
– The Proficiency Test in Trading Business (The C Grade)
– SSI Kikizakeshi / Sake Sommelier *Voluntary withdrawal in 2021